Okay, so It’s been a loooong time since I updated you on my activities, so here’s what I’ve been up to! When Lisanne and I left our first camping spot in Sverige we drove up north towards our destination (the farm) and landed on a spot along a lake. We decided to leave our vans behind and follow the shoreline of that lake as much and as far as we could.
We walked over rocks, moss, sand and dirt. We crawled through bushes on long-forgotten pathways that seemed like nobody walked them for years. The ticks loved the human-visitors as well by the way. We both caught 2 of them, or… they caught us…

We tracked the shoreline for about 7 hours and only covered 10-12km that day. But most of the way it was like we left all of civilization behind us. We even did our best at wildlife spotting and properly misidentified the badger that was quite surprised by our visit 😂. But in our defense: we just walked past a massive anthill…

After finding a nice spot to camp we set up our tents and gathered (what we thought was) dry wood from the forest surrounding us. It took a lot of effort to get the fire started and keeping it going was also a bit of a task. But it all worked out and we enjoyed the warming comfort of the fire.

After breakfast it was time to walk back to our vans. We decided to just walk the (mostly gravel) roads back, which only took us 7 km and roughly 2 hours to do.
Here’s the route we walked when trying to follow the shoreline. The most north-eastern point was our starting-point:
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